Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Unit:7 lesson A-3 Tlak about it Who's in your circle of friends?

1. Who's your closest friend? how did you meet?
- Actually i have many friends but my closest friend is Anujin. We know each other since we were in elementary school.
2. Do you have any friends that you met through other friends?
- Yes. I have one friend that we met through Nomin.
3. Do you keep in touch with any of the friends you grew up with?
-I still have keep in touch with my old friend. Who knows me when i was 3 years old
4. Do you have any friends who have exciting lives? Explain why. 
-One of my old friend lives in Russia. I thought she has exciting life because she is crazy about traveling. She travels a lot through mongolian all country and she always been ready for travel even in winter.
5. Dp you have friends you chat with online? Where do they live?
-I have one kazakstan friend who lives in russia. We chat almost everyday. He is just like my brother.
6. Do you have any friends who are very differentfrom you? How are they diffrent?
-I have one friend who likes hard rock music and she always act wierd. She dresses wierd, thinks odd, talks so strange. but i respect her choice. It doesn't disturb our relatioship.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

My happiest childhood memory

I still remember some of the wonderful memories. One of the most important event I remember in my life was the day I celebrate my first birthday. It was the 9-april-2008. 

We invited a small crowd of family and friends to our home for a birthday party and cook out. The most important thing was what king of cake to get. The cake was a half of a sheet, which was able to feed up to 20 people. 

It was made with fresh strawberries that tasted like they were picked right from the patch as a filling, surrounded with butter cream icing. 

My parents graciously volunteered to do the preparation of the food for the party, I get overall 15 gifts from the invited person. This was the day I enjoyed a lot and this become my one of the most wonderful memory of my childhood.

In conclusion, I think childhood is the happiest time of our life because when you are child you get excited about everything you learn around you and finally don’t have to worry about take decisions and have fewer responsibilities compared to an adult.

Unit 4: New words

  1. Sidewalk-Явган хүний зам , хажуугийн зам
  2. Helmet-Дуулга
  3. Opinion-Үзэл бодол
  4. Heard-Сонссон
  5. Statement-Тунхаглал , мэдэгдэл
  6. Safety-Хамгаалал , аюулгүй байдал
  7. Device-Төхөөрөмж
  8. Inside-Дотоод орон зай
  9. Gigantic-Аварга , агуу том
  10. Compare-Харьцуулах , жишэх
  11. Definitely-Тодорхой , илэрхий 
  12. Grab-Байлдан дагуулалт
  13. Influence-Нөлөө
  14. Especially-Ялангуяа , тухайлбал
  15. Article-Хэлэлцээр , заалт
  16. Might-Эрч хүч
  17. Hurt-Хор хөнөөл , гэмтэл 
  18. Implement-Хэрэгсэл , багаж хэрэгсэл
  19. Otherwise-Ондоо , бусад
  20. Whoever-Хэн ч байсан , ямар хүн я
  21. Yeld-үр төлгүй
  22. Inevitably-Зайлшгүй
  23. Frustrated-Сэтгэл санаагаар унасан
  24. Sibling-өрсөлдөөн , хүүхдийн атаархал

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Unit 3: Vocabulary notebook 1,2,3

  1. Sydney Harbour bridge
  2. Sydney Opera House
  3. Melville island
  4. Lake Eyre
  5. Blue mountains
  6. Great Sandy desert
  7. Darling rive
  8. Pacific ocean

  1. There isn't bay in Mongolia
  2. There isn't  coral reef in Mongolia
  3. There isn't glacier in Mongolia.
  4. There isn't  jungle in Mongolia.
  5. There isn't  peninsula in Mongolia.
  6. There isn't  valley in Mongolia.
  7. There is the Orkhon waterfall in Mongolia. It's 4-5 meters height.
  8. There isn't cliffs in Mongolia.

  1. The largest desert is Sahara. It's 9.1 million square kilometers.
  2. The widest grand canyon is in the world. It's 27 kilometers wide.
  3. The longest suspension bridge is ub. It's 150 meters long.
  4. The deepest river is Uvs lake. It's 297kilometers deep
  5. The highest mountain is Otgon-tenger. It's 4021 meters high.
  6. The highest waterfall is Orkhon. It's 20 meters high.
  7. The deepest river is Khuvsgul lake. It's 381 cube kilometers deep.
  8. The largest monument is Chinggis Khan. It's 40 meters.
  9. The largest desert is Gobi. It's 1600 square kilometers.
  10. The largest ocean is the Pacific. It's 11000 meters.
  11. The busiest subway is Ulaanbaatar relay station. It's 1million passengers.
  12. The fastest roller coaster is Park's in Mongolia. It's speed 105 kilometers.
  13. The highest city is Central Town. It's 105 meters high.
  14. The highest point is Huiten-Orgil. It's 4374 meters high.
  15. The highest mountain is Everest. it's 8850 meters high.
  16. The most visited country is Gobi-Altai. It's about 1 million tourists.
  17. he biggest city is Ulaanbaatar. It's 3million population and 4704.4 square kilometers.
  18. The biggest mountain is Tavan-Bogd. It's 6362 square kilometers.
  19. The longest river is Orkhon. It's 1,124kilometers (698mi) long.
  20. The longest mountain is Altai. It's 4160 kilometers long.

Unit 3: New words

  1. desert-цөл
  2. island-арал
  3. lake-нуур
  4. mountains-уул
  5. bay-далайн булан тохой
  6. cliffs-хад цохио
  7. coral reef-шүрэн хад
  8. glacier-мөсөн гол
  9. jungle-халуун орны ширэнгэн ой
  10. peninsula-хойг хагас арал
  11. valley-хөндий арал
  12. Include-багтаах , оруулах
  13. Suspension-түр зуурын , түр зогсоох
  14. Employ-ажил хэрэг , ажил эрхлэлт , ажил алба
  15. Seat-тавцан , байрлал
  16. Region-бүс нутаг , дүүрэг
  17. Monument-хөшөө , дурсгал
  18. Neighborhood-айл хөрш , ойр хавь
  19. Continent-тив , эх газар
  20. Canyon-гүн хавцал
  21. Archipelago-усан гадаргуу
  22. Statement-мэдэгдэл , тунхаглал 
  23. Vacation-амралт , чөлөө
  24. Cruise-усаар аялах , далайн аялал
  25. Passenger-зорчигч
  26. Stain-сэв , толбо
  27. Chandelier-чийдэнгийн бүрхүүл
  28. Marble - гантиг
  29. Statue-баримал
  30. Altitude-далайн түвшнээс өндөр
  31. Feature-онцлог , шинж тэмдэг
  32. Cliff-байц
  33. Bay-холбоос 
  34. Glacier-мөсөн зоорь , гол
  35. Peninsula-хагас арал , хойг